CSER made an excellent representation at this years premier UK photovoltaics conference PVSAT-12 which took place between April 6th and April 8th at the University of Liverpool.
Dr. Dan Lamb delivered a talk on ‘Preparation of CdTe PV on ultra-thin space cover glass for flight testing on the AlSat-Nano satellite mission’. For further information, please contact d.a.lamb@swansea.ac.uk
Dr. Andrew Clayton delivered a talk on ‘Investigation of Cl treatment for MOCVD-SnS thin film solar cells’. For further information, please contact andrew.j.clayton@swansea.ac.uk
Dr. Giray Kartopu delivered a talk on ‘Improvement of CdZnS/CdTe Solar cells via use of a highly-resistive ZnO transparent buffer layer’. For further information, please contact giray.kartopu@swansea.ac.uk