Prof Stuart Irvine, SPARC II Director and Swansea University professor was quoted in a recent article on the current gas crisis. To read more on this, please visit:
Author Archives: Emma Dawson
Can Wales become a Leader in Solar Technology?
Professor Stuart Irvine, Director of SPARC II Swansea University was recently interviewed by Business News Wales.
In the interview, Stuart discussed how the new two-year EU extension funding will enable the SPARC II team to continue to expand the PV research capacity. He stated it will enable the team to take on new challenges such as new solar technology to charge electric vehicles, power remote sensors and enable a new generation of more efficient solar conversion devices.
For further information and to listen to the interview, please follow this link:
New EPSRC proposal
We have recently been successful in being awarded a new EPSRC proposal: Doped Emitters to Unlock Lowest Cost Solar Electricity.
For further information on this exciting project, please visit the Research tab.
SuperSolar/PVSAT Conference 2021
Colleagues from CSER will be attending the SuperSolar/PVSAT Conference 2021 conference which is being held from the 8th-10th June 2021.
SuperSolar and PVSAT have combined for their annual conference, online in 2021. Spread over morning and afternoon sessions on three consecutive days, featuring session keynotes from world leading researchers in photovoltaic technologies. Our very own Prof. Stuart Irvine is the keynote speaker for the afternoon session on the 1st day on ‘How to get .25% Efficient CdTe Solar Cells’.
To register for this free event, please visit:
Article on Cadmium telluride solar cells for space applications, BIPV, unmanned aircraft
Dr Dan Lamb was recently contacted by the ‘PV-Magazine’ after they saw his ‘3-years in space’ paper in PiP. To read the article, please follow this link:
Swansea University CSER Wales Coastal Path Virtual Walk
The CSER Team walked a total of 3,297 kms in 8 weeks, that took us the 1,400 kms around the Wales Coastal Path from Chester to the Severn Estuary….and 1400kms all the way back to Chester again with Kms to spare!
To donate to this worthy cause, please visit
Swansea University CSER Wales Coastal Path Virtual Walk
Our small team from Swansea University’s Centre for Solar Energy Research are endeavouring to “virtually” walk the Wales Coast Path/ Llwybr Arfordir Cymru. The target is to cover the 1400 km over 8-weeks by counting each team members km’s of activity each week. Please help us to support Macmillan during these challenging times for charity fund raising.
SPARC II extension
We are pleased to announce that the SPARC II project which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund has been extended until March 2023.
This extension will enable the team to expand this research capability to take on new challenges such as new solar technology to charge electric vehicles, power remote sensors and enable a new generation of more efficient solar conversion devices.
For further information, please visit
Covid-19 and CSER
Following government direction with regards to Covid-19, all of the CSER staff are working remotely from home and are still contactable. Please visit the ‘People’ section to find the right contact for your query. If you are unsure, please contact Emma Dawson-Parry on who will be able to field your enquiry to the right person.
Stay safe.
BBC Radio Wales Science Cafe Interview
Prof. Stuart Irvine was interviewed for the BBC Radio Wales Science Cafe recently to talk about the AlSat Nano. Check out the broadcast at this link:
Innovative Photonics in Wales conference
- OpTIC Centre, N. Wales, 05th March 2020. SPARC II is partnering with The Welsh Optoelectronics Forum, the Centre for Photonics Expertise and ASTUTE 2020 (Advanced Manufacturing) to bring together an event which will showcase real world applications of photonics and where technologies are impacting businesses today. Please see for more details and free registration.
MOVPE Book Published
We are excited to announce that a new book on MOVPE has just been published:
‘Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE): Growth, Materials Properties, and Applications’.
Prof. Stuart Irvine was a co-editor on this and Dr. Giray Kartopu co-authored a chapter ob CdTe.
For more information on this, please visit:
Giray Kartopu to present at the Enlighten Conference, Coventry
Dr. Giray Kartopu will be attending and presenting at the Enlighten Conference. His talk entitled ‘Advances in CdTe thin film photovoltaics enabled by MOCVD’ will take place on Wednesday 9th October at 11:50am at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.
For further information, please visit the following links: –
Stuart reaches Everest Base Camp
Stuart has reached Everest Base Camp and he even managed to make some measurements on the CdTe solar cell which we look forward to analysing on his return next week.
Stuarts trek update
Stuart is at 3880m and has made the first measurement of our solar cell. He has sent us a picture, here you can see him pointing at Everest.
Check back soon for more updates.
Researchers from CSER will be attending the next PVSAT-15 conference to be held in University of Warwick on the 10th-12th April 2019.
On the first day, Dr. Giray Kartopu will deliver a talk on ‘All laser processed CdTe monolithic mini-modules deposited by MOCVD’.
On day two, Dr. Andrew Clayton will be talking about ‘Development of chemical vapour deposition fabrication of perovskites for photovoltaics’.
On the last day, Ralph Hall will be telling us about his research into ‘Near-IR Transparent Back Contact for CdTe Thin Film Photovoltaics’.
We will also have some posters to view in the Poster Sessions:
‘Developing an effective activation process for ZnTe:As back contact for CdTe solar cells’ Ochai Oklobia, Giray Kartopu, and Stuart J.C. Irvine.
‘CdTe solar cells on flexible ultra-thin glass substrates produced by MOCVD: bending test, residual stress and PV performance’ A.C. Teloeken, D.A. Lamb, M.A. Baker, R. Grilli and S.J.C. Irvine
For more information or to register to attend this conference please visit
Prof Irvine treks to Everest Base Camp
Professor Stuart Irvine will make the trek to Everest Base Camp at the beginning of March 2019 as part of a Brick Children School charity awareness and fundraising expedition. Not content with a 17 day round trek reaching an altitude of 5150 metres, Stuart will also be conducting some SPARC II experimental research. He’ll be measuring one of the Centre for Solar Energy Research groups thin-film cadmium telluride solar cells on ultrathin glass with the electronics and software provided by the University of Surrey. This data will complement that of the CubeSat mission currently orbiting the earth with an analogous solar cell on board.
British Council Newton Fund Project Awarded
This February, Dr Giray Kartopu has started his new British Council Newton Fund project: Solar Energy Enabled Electricity Generation via High-Performance CZT/Si Tandem Cells. This project is in collaboration with Middle East Technical University, Turkey and will help to revolutionize the PV industry in Turkey by developing a new high efficiency, low-cost tandem photovoltaic (PV) solar cell structure.
Professor Irvine will present at the 35th European Photovoltaic conference in Brussels 24th- 28th September. Giving a talk entitled “In-Line MOCVD of Al doped ZnS: A Path to High Performance CdTe Solar Cells”.
MDPI Materials Journal
Dr. Giray Kartopu will be editing a special issue on CdTe solar cells for the MDPI Materials journal
For further information, please visit: Advances in Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Thin Film Photovoltaic Solar Cells
Dr Ochai Oklobia, MIET, MInstP.
Research Officer
Ochai completed his PhD in Electrical/Electronic Engineering in the area of Organic semiconductor Photovoltaic technology. He worked as a research assistant at Staffordshire University; on newly developed solution-processed low band gap polymeric semiconductors for PV applications, and developing novel fabrication techniques for enhancing device performance. Current research interests include structural, and optoelectronic characterisation, optimisation of thin film solar cells, by metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). He is also involved in process development for thin film PV scale up methods.
Researchers from CSER will present their work at the 14th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology conference, 18th – 20th April, 2018, Imperial College, London
SPARC II Team Meeting
The SPARC II research team’s from Swansea, Bangor and Aberystwyth Universities will attend a project meeting 25th Jan, 2018 at the Swansea Bay Campus.
Dr Andy Clayton to talk at the MRS Conference, Boston
Dr Andy Clayton has been selected to make an oral presentation at the MRS conference in Boston, November. His talk will be presented in symposium ES03 and will cover his research in the MOCVD of Tin Sulphide (SnS) for use as a photovoltaic absorber layer.
Dr Rosemary Davis
SPARC II Research Assistant
Rosemary completed her PhD in Physics in the field of organic photovoltaics. She was working on nano-structuring of thin films and developing metal-organic composite layers for organic solar cells during her PhD work. Research interests include flexible photovoltaics, Thin-film solar cells for space applications and characterization of solar cells.
IOM3 EMG annual lecture
An upcoming IOM3 EMG Annual Lecture is taking place on the evening of the 13th July. This lecture will be given by Dame Sue Ion DBE, FRS, FREng – Chair of the Nuclear Innovation Research Advisory Board (NIRAB).
To register for the event or for more information, please follow this link:
BBC Science Cafe – Solar Technology
This weeks BBC Science Cafe sees Adam Walton exploring the latest technology to harvest the power of the sun, including the search for more sustainable materials to be used in the manufacture of solar cells.
Adam visited the OpTIC Centre in St Asaph, home to Swansea University’s Centre for Solar Energy Research, where he chats to Professor Stuart Irvine about the SPARC II project – a collaboration between Swansea, Bangor and Aberystwyth universities, which provides five years funding aimed at addressing the key challenges of developing next generation solar photovoltaic technology. To listen to the interview, please follow this link:
PVSAT-13 update
CSER was well presented at this years PVSAT-13 which took place in Bangor during the 5th – 7th April 2017. The conference gave the SPARC II team an excellent opportunity to disseminate results from the SPARC II Project to a wider audience where the latest advances in UK research and development are presented and discussed.
The SPARC II Operation director, Professor Stuart Irvine gave a well received oral presentation on ‘New Mechanism in proton irradiated CdTe solar cells revealed by SCAPS modelling.’
Dr. Dan Lamb also gave an oral presentation discussing the ‘First flight test of a Thin Film Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar cell on cover glass in space’.
On the final day, Dr. Giray Kartopu presented his findings on ‘Development of ZnO/CdS/CdTe core-shell nanorod-based solar cells with an extremely thin absorber’.
If you wish to know more about our current research, please contact us via our contacts page.
Funding approved for the SPARC II project
We are pleased to report that the funding (£5m) for SPARC II (Solar Photovoltaic Academic Research Consortium) has been approved by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) and provides underpinning funding for a collaboration of 6 research teams across the Universities of Swansea, Aberystwyth and Bangor. Please see below the links for the official WEFO SPARC II project funding announcement along with the Swansea University announcement.
Two Research Positions with CSER
CSER have two RA post available. Please see
Swansea solar technology could power moon bases
Please find link below for the latest BBC news article on the AlSat nano satellite mission!
For further information, please contact Dr. Dan Lamb at:
Al-Sat Nano – video
CSER’s thin film solar cell is orbiting the Earth as you read this. Take a look at the promo video for the AlSat Nano launch
Dr Dan Lamb to present at Advanced Engineering, Nov 3rd, NEC
Dan will present a talk entitled “Lightweight Solar Cells for Space and UAV’s Applications” at the Advanced Engineering 2016 expo, November 3rd at the Birmingham NEC.
CSER’s space solar cell featured in BBC Radio Wales Science Cafe, 25th October
This weeks BBC Radio Wales Science Cafe episode featured Adam Walton interviewing CSER’s own Dr Dan Lamb. Dan discussed some of the challenges the CSER team faced building a space worthy experiment and announced the first data transmitted back from solar cell experiment showed it to be performing well. BBC Radio Wales Science Cafe
CSER solar cell successfully launched into space!
British Science Festival 2016
Dr. Dan Lamb is presenting at this years British Science Festival which is taking place at Swansea University during the 6th – 9th September. Dan’s talk will take place on Friday 9th September at 12:00-13:00 in lecture theatre K in the Faraday Building.
Intro: On Earth, solar power is a promising renewable energy source but solar cells were originally developed to power the satellites orbiting our planet. Now, initiatives such as Space Based Solar Power and Lunar and Martian Bases are driving the need for a new type of solar cell. Join Dan Lamb to find out about his work developing ultra-lightweight solar cells that are being tested in the UK Space Agency’s CubeSat mission this summer.
For further information on the British Science Festival, please visit:
CSER – Swansea University
The Centre for Solar Energy Research (CSER) has recently joined the College of Engineering in Swansea University. CSER will still be based at the OpTIC Centre on the St Asaph Business Park.
Prof. Stuart Irvine said ‘this is a very exciting opportunity for CSER to link with major projects at Swansea University and to provide a greater range of expertise to the PV Industry.’
CSER presented at PVSAT-12
CSER made an excellent representation at this years premier UK photovoltaics conference PVSAT-12 which took place between April 6th and April 8th at the University of Liverpool.
Dr. Dan Lamb delivered a talk on ‘Preparation of CdTe PV on ultra-thin space cover glass for flight testing on the AlSat-Nano satellite mission’. For further information, please contact
Dr. Andrew Clayton delivered a talk on ‘Investigation of Cl treatment for MOCVD-SnS thin film solar cells’. For further information, please contact
Dr. Giray Kartopu delivered a talk on ‘Improvement of CdZnS/CdTe Solar cells via use of a highly-resistive ZnO transparent buffer layer’. For further information, please contact
The SOLCER house featured in the September issue of Materials World

Prof Irvine and Dr Clayton attend the E-MRS conference
Professor Stuart Irvine and Dr Andrew Clayton attended the 2015 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit held in Warsaw University of Technology. Stuart gave a very well received invited talk entitled “Ultra-thin glass: the ideal superstrate for thin film PV”. The main theme of Stuart’s talk was that reducing cost of PV can be achieved through: improved module efficiency, manufacturing volume, yield and materials reduction. This is an area that the team at CSER are busy researching.
CSER to present at the UK Space Conference
Dr Dan Lamb will represent CSER at the UK Space Conference July 14th. Held every two years, the UK Space Conference is the unmissable gathering for the entire UK space community; bringing together the space industry, users of space-based services, entrepreneurs, academia and government. CSER will be in attendance as part of the Wales country stand (B32, D29, D30) the Arena & Convention Centre, Liverpool.
“Materials for Energy” of EUROMAT
Professor Stuart Irvine is the Symposium organiser for Symposium E1.1 “Materials for Energy” of EUROMAT 2015, Warsaw, Poland 20-24 September 2015. He will attend the EUROMAT conference which has been held every two years since 1989, and which have an increased record of bringing together up to 2000 researchers, scientists, trainees, and students from both academia and industry to discuss critical developments and perspectives in the field of materials science and technology and their applications.
Professor Stuart Irvine will attend the E-MRS Fall Conference in Warsaw, Poland 15-18 September 2015
Professor Stuart Irvine will attend the E-MRS Fall Conference in Warsaw, Poland 15-18 September 2015, invited talk entitled: “Ultra-thin glass: the ideal superstrate for thin film PV?”. The E-MRS Fall Meeting draws an audience from around 50 countries each year. Representing quality and quantity, this audience comprises key decision-makers involved in the field of materials research.
UK Space Conference 2015
Dr Dan Lamb will attend the UK Space Conference, July 13-15th, Arena & convention centre Liverpool. Held every two years, the UK Space Conference is the unmissable gathering for the entire UK space community; bringing together the space industry, users of space-based services, entrepreneurs, academia and government. CSER will present a poster based on the Thin Film Solar Cell payload currently being developed for the UK Space Agency’s next satellite mission. CSER’s work will be presented alongside other Wales Academic Space Partnership (WASP) work.
Dr. Ana Teloeken
SPARC II Research Officer 
Ana did her PhD in Engineering in the area of Materials Science and Technology and has been in the research of thin films coatings for 5 years. She worked as a PDR at Swansea University, which was a co-operation project between Brazil and UK, funded by the Brazilian government but carried out in Wales. During this time her research was on PV technologies, developing different perovskite cells, such as lead chloride, lead iodide and lead bromide; evaluating the stability and performance of these materials. She has experience in renewable energy including photocatalytic hydrogen production and photovoltaic solar cell, having significant experience in the synthesis and characterization of semiconductor thin film materials. Her interests include thin films photovoltaic (PV), Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD), characterization of PV devices and transparent conducting oxides (TCOs).
Dr Saqib Rafique
SPARC II Research Officer – Thin Film Deposition
Saqib completed his Ph.D. in Physics from University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and M.Sc. in Microtechnology and Nanosciences from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He possesses over 10 years of experience in Materials Science/Engineering and Nanotechnology. His core research is focused on device engineering, fabrication, characterization and fundamental physics of energy storage and harvesting devices including organic and perovskite solar cells, thermoelectrics and supercapacitors. Besides, he possesses advanced instrumentation experience on a range of micro/nano fabrication and characterization equipment. He is currently working on MOCVD grown TCOs, Cd/Te Solar cells and their stability/degradation analysis.
Michelle Davies
SPARC II Finance Officer
Michelle joined SPARC II as the Finance Officer in 2019. Michelle started her financial career at Swansea University back in the 90’s, she then worked at various companies including Sony UK Ltd where she worked as a financial accountant and the Wales Audit Office as a financial auditor auditing public spending money.
In 2019, Michelle returned to Swansea University and joined the SPARC II team. Her role includes collating, evaluating and reporting data to the SPARC II project sponsors, project manager and project instigators, preparing and maintaining financial records for audit activities and preparing and uploading quarterly financial claims to WEFO.
CSER’s Dr Dan Lamb attended a critical design review meeting at SSC
The Centre for Solar Energy Research (CSER) is making excellent progress towards delivery of its Thin Film Solar Cell demonstrator to the UK Space Agency. CSER’s Dr Dan Lamb attended a critical design review meeting at the Surrey Space Centre where some of the finer details of the Thin Film Solar Cell payload where worked through. The UK Space Agency’s Satellite programme is committed to a tight time schedule with delivery of CSER’s payload to the CubeSat manufactures by September 2015 and launch to take place spring 2016. Once the Thin Film Solar Cell is in orbit its performance will be systematically measured and the data beamed down to mission control at the Surrey Space Centre. The CubeSat is expected to generate data for at least one year which will be invaluable for producing high quality publications, securing further funding for the research and promoting Glyndŵr University’s contribution to space science.
Dr Dan Lamb (3rd from right) representing Glyndŵr University along with members of the satellite build team from the Surrey Space Centre.
CSER attend EW MOVPE 2015
Professor Stuart Irvine and Dr Vincent Barrioz will represent CSER at the 2015 European MOVPE conference workshop in Lund, Sweden, June 07-10th . The workshop will consist of eight invited plenary talks and contributed poster presentations. All aspects of MOVPE are of relevance, with a special emphasis on the science of MOVPE. Dr Barrioz will give an invited talk entitled “A route to inline MOCVD of flexible, high specific power CdTe solar cells”.
Bright Lights and Engineering
Tuesday 16th June, 2015, 09.00 – 16.00, The OpTIC Centre, St Asaph LL17 0JD
The KTN, the Engineering and Science Group North Wales, OpTIC Glyndŵr University and the Welsh Opto-electronics Forum will show in this event how light is used in engineering applications as well as showcase innovations in Wales where light is used in manufacturing.
Delegates are invited from industry academic and professional institutions as well as the graduates, students and the general public.
There will be a display area for pull ups, tabletops, demonstrations, please contact if you would like to book a place.
CSER’s Dr Dan Lamb will present a talk on “Space Application Thin Film Solar Arrays” at
This event is free of charge however pre-booking is essential on:
CSER staff to attend PVSAT-11
CSER will make an excellent representation at this years premier UK photovoltaics conference PVSAT-11 April 15-17 th. Professor Stuart Irvine will deliver a talk “The potential for further reduction in the embodied carbon in PV solar energy systems”. Dr Andy Clayton will talk on “A new approach to SnS thin film PV using MOCVD” and Dr Giray Kartopu will speak on “Comparative study of conventional vs. one-step-interconnected (OSI) monolithic CdTe modules”. Dr Dan Lamb will present a poster “Preparation of a Thin Film CdTe Solar Cell for Flight Testing on a Satellite”.
CSER Secures Place on UK Space Agency’s Next CubeSat mission
The Centre for Solar Energy Research (CSER) has been selected to take part in the UK Space Agency’s next CubeSat mission. The AlSat Nano is a joint space mission between the UK Space Agency and Algerian Space Agency (ASAL). CSER’s successful selection, following a presentation to the UK Space Agency in Swindon by Dr Dan Lamb (project leader), offers a fantastic opportunity to “flight test” their innovative Thin Film Solar Cell. The programme is committed to a tight time schedule with delivery of CSER’s payload to the CubeSat manufactures by September 2015 and launch to take place spring 2016. Once the Thin Film Solar Cell is in orbit its performance will be systematically measured and the data beamed down to mission control at the Surrey Space Centre. The CubeSat is expected to generate data for at least one year which will be invaluable for producing high quality publications, securing further funding for the research and promoting Glyndŵr University’s contribution to space science.
New Book Published: Materials Challenges: Inorganic Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Professor Stuart Irvine, CSER has edited a new book, “Materials Challenges: Inorganic Photovoltaic Solar Energy” published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The idea for the book came from the Photovoltaic (PV) SUPERGEN project which was a collaboration of UK Universities to carry out ground breaking research in thin films for PV solar energy. PV SUPERGEN was a £10m funded project which was led by Professor Irvine from 2004 to 2012. It was felt that a book would provide a legacy to capture some of the exciting research and new developments, providing a stimulus for future research. Many of the chapters have been authored by members of the PV SUPERGEN team and also contributors from CSER, Dr Vincent Barrioz and Dr Andrew Clayton. International contributions came from the world leading National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the USA and from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia in Spain. “This has been a rewarding experience and provides an authoritative work on the many research challenges in thin film PV that is very much at the core of research in CSER at Glyndwr University” said Professor Irvine.